How To Do The Best Analysis For An Online Poll

Have you collected the data of your online survey? Well, it is great! Now what to do about it? Getting accurate feedback from your customer or target audience is very essential for every business as it has a huge impact on business decisions. But to know whether the impact is positive or negative, you need to analyze the data. Only after analyzing the data, you will be able to make the right business decisions, create new business strategies, and introduce innovative ideas.


Best Steps To Analyze Online Poll:

#1 Analyze Your Top Research Questions: You must analyze the entire online survey or poll to check out which of them could be considered as top research questions. You must remember to feature or outline your top research questions when you set a goal for your survey.

#2 Try To Filter Out The Cross-TabulationSubgroups:

Initially, while setting up the goal for the survey, you might have developed an analysis plan which would be dealing with just subgroups. Once you receive the survey response, you need to analyze and compare these subgroups. To figure out the response rates and their accuracy, you would have to dwell on the data by the means of cross-tabulation.


#3 You Must Take An Overview Of The Result

While analyzing the data of the online survey, you must start with an overview of the whole survey results. For instance, you must ask various questions- What was the total percentage distribution among parameters such as gender, age, geographic location, departments, or industry? You should continue with the questions that will give you the real value of the survey.

1. How satisfied are your customers?
2. How many of your customers have bought your new product?
3. How many in your target group have actually seen your latest ad campaign?

The most important thing to understand is to take notes on the most interesting results. They are a good starting place when it’s time to break down the results.

#4 Benchmarking Results – Checking Data Trends And Doing Comparative Analysis:

You must benchmark important feedback data that can help you in further analysis. Moreover, you can compare the results of different online surveys and see the trend of the response rates, how your target audience is taking an interest in the polls. For instance, you can check the poll results of 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020, to see the questions trends. You might have received only a 30% response rate in the initial years. But since then it has been increasing.

#5 Statistical Analysis

Most often it might happen that the answers provided by your target audience or respondents do not yield any answers. These are the answers you cannot trust and use with confidence to make informed decisions. With the statistical analysis of the received data, you would be able to pay attention to only high-quality data and ignore the ones that are not important. It will save your time and help understand various components of the selected data.

#6 Drawing The Conclusion:

Multiple Choice – You must analyze the data collected in the form of multiple-choice through questions asked, answer options, the participants’ votes, attendee list, attendee email addresses, and the answers each participant provided. From this result, you can understand the number of participants that attended the session versus the votes received. You can even filter the results based on which answer people selected.

Ratings – You might have asked your customers to rate their experience or quality of products or services. This can be done with the help of rating scale options with the scores.

You Must Break Down The Received Results To Find The Actual Data:

When you go through the entire collected data set, you come across unexpected, expected, alarming and pleasant findings. But usually, just finding important data is not enough. You need to dig deeper by breaking down the results into different categories and then find the relation between those categorical data.


One of the most important or essential steps is to analyze the collected data. It is considered a critical step in the polling process. Analysis reveals the implications of the data on public policy, political campaigns, and business decisions. Usually, data received in various forms is entered into a computer program, where answers to questions are recorded and analyzed. Often, analysts pay special attention to subgroups within the data such as men, women, age groups, or political ideology, among others. The conclusion that you gain by performing the analysis helps in defining the business goals.

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