Online Surveys Helps In Fighting The COVID-19 Virus

Over the past three to four months, the COVID-19 outbreak has become a global pandemic that is disrupting the lives of billions of people. Moreover, the countries are losing out their hold on economic and financial ground. During such scenarios, online activities help us to stay connected. People have been working from home and have started adjusting to the new normal.  People are finding it difficult to consider more abstract concepts such as future economic prosperity or when any semblance of “normality” will return.

Online Polling Help Countries To Make Better Decisions:

In the way to respond to the COVID-19 crisis, most of the countries are considering to scale up the voting arrangements. It has been decided that there would be no electronic voting but instead they have opted for online polling. It has been considered that during the pandemic, boosting online polling is more efficient than expanding postal voting. With online polling, there would be no need to mailing hundreds of ballots, manual counting, and creating a crowd for various other purposes. Moreover, opting for online polling can help countries to avoid the massive cost and work at a faster pace. The results of the poll will reflect that people are consumed by the immediacy and urgency of the threat of COVID-19, and ready to adopt new ways of polling.

Online Polls Can Help In Coming Up With Innovative Ideas: 

Online polls can be really beneficial in creating a platform where people from different backgrounds poll for the implementation of innovative ideas that can help in fighting coronavirus.  For instance, making arrangements for COVID-19 patients at unused government spaces, different ways to maintain social distancing, working on activities helping the economy of the country by staying at home. The ideas that get majority polls can be adopted to fight against coronavirus. Moreover, the government is also taking measures through online polls that can assist in preparing everyone to face the challenge and threat posed by the growing pandemic of COVID-19

Online Polls For Taking Health Care Measure: 

Online polls can assist in gathering important data from various hospitals across the country (states and cities). The acquired data would show the percentage of positive COVID-19 cases, recovered patients, and asymptomatic people.

Another aspect of COVID-19 where online polls could be helpful is knowing the symptoms experienced by the symptomatic as well as asymptomatic people. Each individual can poll for the symptoms faced by them which could be recorded and analyzed by the experts. This is to provide help in reducing the local transmission of COVID-19 cases.

Online Polling – Fight Against Coronavirus: 

Online polls are beneficial because every individual can use it while staying at home and does not require to move to any crowded place. Online polls can be easily customized to form questions that can help in gathering important data related to the transmission of the virus, symptoms of people, and suggesting proper precautions.

Online Polls provide instant feedback or results which make it easy to take proper measures within the stipulated time. They are convenient for people to use and participate in various online polling platforms. In simple words, online surveys are a great option for people and government organizations who would like to conduct their own research for fighting against coronavirus– they are time-saving, they are affordable, you get the instant results, and you can transfer and use the data in various applications to answer important questions.


Overall, this scenario could indicate a golden opportunity for online voting. The longer the COVID-19 crisis lasts, the more likely we are going to see developments in this direction. And even countries with no online voting in place right now could benefit. Valuable learning could be gained from these new experiences and new success stories may eventually encourage more countries to put online polling higher up on their priority list for electoral reform.

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